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  • Writer's pictureZsolt

Online countdown: the site you never knew you wanted to have

There are many milestones in everybody's life. They can vary from life-changing events such as weddings to small things like a new cafe opens next to the office, or the release of a new game. What's common in these is the waiting. Discussions with friends, anticipation, marking the calendar. It's always a pleasant social experience to wait for something to come with others. Even greater if you have a countdown that everybody can see. I myself always create one for such occasions: marking the last day of a colleague, honoring the time we spent in the same boat, counting the seconds until we move to a nicer office etc. Why do I do it? I mean it is hours of coding, setting up a host, configuring a web server, just to have this insignificant counter ticking on the TV / everyone's screen, right? NO.

We can create free, disposable but custom countdown in minutes!

It's true, there are websites already to count down to zero and share it with family and friend. This site on the other hand is one that's customized to your liking and can easily be created with the same number of clicks as those.


1. Go to website creation and pick one of the many landing pages.

2. Give the page a great title maybe subtitle, to really mark the occasion you are waiting.

3. Delete unnecessary elements.

(4. Set a background image maybe)

5. Add the Wix Countdown clock

6. Set the theme, the time in settings

Done! The countdown website is ready to be published.

After its time is done, you can simply move the site to trash on the Wix dashboard. Either that, or you can reuse the site when a other cool event is coming. The non-custom domain with the username and the Wix tag in it is free to have, and you can change the path ending whenever you save, or on the Dashboard/Settings/Overview.

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